Better Health Rules!

Brown Seaweed Extract

Brown Seaweed


**Do NOT take U-FN while under going Chemotherapy or Radiation treatments because those treatments will nulify the benifical effects of U-FN ** See INDEPENDENT Research at bottom)

U-Fn: - Fucoidan

Concentrated brown seaweed extract (Laminaria japonica)


Clinical studies have shown that:
  • Fucodian that is in U-FN causes certain Can-cer to self Destruct!
  • Decrease cholesterol levels resulting from the way that enzymes breakdown fatty acids in the liver
  • Diabetes control by slowing down the release of glucose into the blood
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improve liver function
  • Improve immunity from increasing the production of immune cells or natural killer cells (NK cells)
  • Reduces stomach disorders
  • Skin rejuvenation by increasing the production of integrin, a protein that helps in skin repair and firmness
  • Increase cell regeneration
  • Relieve allergies because of the increase of NK cells
  • Relieve Arthritis by promoting the production of fibronetin which helps keep joints flexible and lubricated
  • Herpes remedy because of fucoidan's antiviral properties
  • Stop formation of can-cer cells through a process called apoptosis (cell self-destructing)
Ie; Research has shown that Fucodian causes certain Can-cer to self Destruct!


Fucoidan (U-Fn) is best taken on an empty stomach, such as upon rising in the morning and in between meals with plenty of water, as it is a highly concentrated product. It is not recommended to take U-Fn before bedtime, as most people report an increased energy level, which could inhibit sleep.

U-Fn does not cause nausea on an empty stomach, as most vitamins usually do; on the contrary, it gives a feeling of well being in the stomach and intestines.

Since U-Fn is an ALL NATURAL NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENT and not a drug, these recommended dosages are approximate, and you may find your own ideal dosage.

To reach the best healing results for people who have serious conditions such as can-cer, high blood sugar, cardiovascular diseases, high cholesterol, poor thyroid function it is recommended to enhance their diet with taking U-Fn in larger quantities, such as 8 to 10 capsules* per day (4 to 5 grams) for a period of 3 months (4) with Breakfast, (2) with lunch, (2) with dinner. Take with an 8oz glass of water! Drink it over a five to ten minute period. If you observe improvement in health conditions, lesser dosage may be taken for maintenance, such as 2 to 4 capsules per day.

For Chelation therapy, i.e. removal of heavy metals and radiation from the body, take approximately 10 to 12 (in some cases more) capsules per day for up to six months. It is a good idea to give the body a break once a month for several days during the detoxification period. Because the amount of heavy metals in each person is different, it is recommended to have a hair analysis to see if the heavy metals have been effectively removed, and, because we are all different, it is important for each person to find his or her own ideal dosage.

For general health and prophylactic purposes, including temporary nausea, and indigestion (not caused by serious conditions) take 2 to 4 capsules per day.

These dosage recommendations are based on scientific research and clinical studies on subjects, who volunteered to take U-Fn as an additive to their regular diet.

U-Fucoidan Research: & FINDINGS::::

*The Anti-Can-cer effect of Fucoidan in PC-3 Prostate Can-cer Cells.

*Boo HJ, Hong JY, Kim SC, Kang JI, Kim MK, Kim EJ, Hyun JW, Koh YS, Yoo ES, Kwon JM, Kang HK.

*Induction of apoptosis ( can-cer cells self destruct) by fucoidan in human leukemia U937 cells through activation of p38 MAPK and modulation of Bcl-2 family.

Park HS, Hwang HJ, Kim GY, Cha HJ, Kim WJ, Kim ND, Yoo YH, Choi YH.

*Brown seaweed fucoidan: biological activity and apoptosis, growth signaling mechanism in can-cer. Senthilkumar K, Manivasagan P, Venkatesan J, Kim SK ………………………

*Fucoidan is a polysacharride which makes up about 4% of the total dry weight of brown seaweed. One of its main elements include sulfuric esterified L-fucose, and traces of galactose, xylose, and glucuronic acid.

*U-Fucoidan ( U-Fn) is a bio-available form of Fucoidan.

Mineral properties of Fucoidan were discovered a long time ago, but it was a problem making them available for humans. When extracted, Fucoidan itself does not work. That is why Japanese research and development of U-Fucoidan products (dietary supplements, which naturally deliver Fucoidan's qualities) became a unique substance. U-Fucoidan is a complex of Fucose, Glycose, Laminaran and Alginic acids. Sulfated polysaccharides of brown seaweed with natural presence of those elements are acceptable by human gastrointestinal tract, that do not have toxicity limits and can be consumed with benefits to ones health.

Extensive research has been ongoing for the benefits of seaweed. In particular, the Takara Shuzo's Biomedical Research Laboratories and the Research Institute for Glycotechnology Advancement worked together to find more about this unique substance U-fucoidan. In order to study its chemical structure, they also used a specific technique called pyridlamination. Even though fucoidan has been characterized with the ability to reduce cholesterol levels, and to act as both an anti-contraceptive and an anti-tumor agent, not enough research has been conducted to have a definitive consensus. One thing for certain is that these two groups have confirmed that fucoidan does cause certain types of growing can-cer cells to self-destruct, which is called, apoptosis.

This is different from necrosis, where cells are destroyed because of external stimuli such as physical damage or toxic substances. Programmed into the natural makeup of cells, is this apoptosis mechanism. For cells to self-destruct, this mechanism is triggered and the cell's DNA is rendered useless through the activation of the deoxyribonuclease found within the cell itself.

This phenomenon has been observed in human acute promyelocytic leukemia cells (HL-60 cell line), human stomach can-cer cells (AGS cell line), human colon can-cer cells (HCT-116 cell line), and can-cer cells of the descending colon (SW-480 cell line/WiDr cell line). Interestingly, these can-cer cells were destroyed without affecting normal cells. More research is still underway on this unique phenomenon.

* Note: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The Significance of This Discovery and Future Prospects From ancient times (dating from the Jomon era, approximately before the 2nd Century BC onwards), brown seaweed has been a mainstay of the traditional Japanese diet. It is precisely these seaweeds that contain the U-Fucoidan that trigger the apoptosis mechanism described above.

The inhabitants of Okinawa, Japan enjoy some of the highest life expectancies in Japan. Okinawans happen to have one of the highest per capita consumption rates of kombu -- 1 gram per person per day. It is noteworthy that the cancer death rate in Okinawa is the lowest of all the prefectures in Japan.

The average per capita consumption rate of kombu in Japan is approximately 0.5 grams per day. Such a serving of kombu would include roughly 5 mg of U-Fucoidan. In vivo experiments are currently underway to determine the effects of U-Fucoidan within living organisms. If it is confirmed that U-Fucoidan can help bring about apoptosis solely in can-cer cells that are multiplying at uncontrolled rates, we would then have within our reach the long-dreamed-of can-cer drug -- one that does its job without causing adverse side effects.

Sold by Prohealth Solutions
Quantity Per Unit - 60 caps per bottle
Selected Manufacturers
1-3 $89.00 ea - 4-5 $79.00 ea - 6-11 $69.00 ea - 12 and up $59.00 ea
Status: Available

The products and statements made about specific products on this web site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. All information provided on this web site or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should not use the information on this web site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new vitamins, supplements, diet, or exercise program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

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